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101 ways to confuse,annoy,and basically annoy people in a hotel

1. When unloading your car, stack luggage in a pile between the automatic doors so that they keep opening and closing.
2. Find a luggage-cart and ride it up and down the halls.
3. Hold luggage-cart races on various floors, cheering on the competitors loudly.
4. Put the Luggage Carts in an elevator, push all the buttons, and run out really fast, leaving the cart in there behind you.
5. Draw a face on a piece of paper and tape it to random walls of the lobby and elevator.
6. When people walk by pretend you are having a particularly interesting conversation with the paper person.
7. Introduce various passers by to the paper person and insist that they shake his hand. (he has no hands)
8. Go up to the front desk, and ask for a tissue. When the person brings you one, say that you meant an extra room key. Once they make you a copy announce that you actually just wanted to know where the bathroom was. Walk away and come back three seconds later and repeat.
9. Purposely drop your room key. Wait until someone picks it up. Shout, "HEY THAT'S MINE!" and run towards them, snatching the card from their hand, and give them an evil stare.
10. Call a random room number and say, "There's not enough peanut butter." Hang up immediately.
11. Stick a sign on the elevator that says, 'Elevator on lunch break.'
12. Put a squeaky toy under all the seat cushions of the chairs in the lobby.
13. Choose a door on your hall and knock on it. Say, "Oops wrong room!" Repeat several times to the same door.
14. In a public bathroom leave a sign on all of the stall doors that says, 'Toilet Broken, use floor below.' Draw an arrow pointing to the ground.
15. Sing as loudly as possible when in the shower.
16. Run around screaming, "I lost my ferret! I lost my ferret!"
17. Put red food coloring in the swimming pool and scream, "SHARK!" clutching your arm and crying.
18. Smoke in the stairwell so that the fire alarm goes off. (Do this every morning)
19. Choose people to follow. Follow your person everywhere they go. If they go into their room stand extremely close to the door until they open it again. Resume following.
20. Speak in French or German to the Spanish room maids.
21. Run to the front desk and start screaming to the man in Spanish. When they get someone to translate what you are saying, wait until they ask you a question. Turn to the man behind the counter and say, "sorry I dont understand Spanish."
22. Run around the hotel screaming, "NO PICKLE! NO PICKLE!" Try to get other to join you.
23. When eating breakfast in the restaurant ask for pancakes with no crust.
24. Leave a trail of skittles behind you from your room. If someone asks you about it, say, "All the doors look the same!"
25. When at the pool, when ever a woman walks by, scream, "SHES GONNA BLOW!" at the top of your lungs. Then cover your head with your arms.
26. When swimming try your hardest to splash as many sun bathers as possible.
27. Play strip-poker in the hallway/lobby.
28. Go up to a grumpy-looking hotel employee and give him a hug, saying, "Cheer up Mr. Grumpy pants!"
29. Run up to someone of the opposite sex and give them a big hug and say, "-insert any name here-, I haven't seen you in so long!" Get wide-eyed and open mouthed and say, "Whoops!" and walk away.
30. Spot a couple by the pool and flirt non-stop with the guy (girl if you are a guy). When he says to go away, go over to the girl and flirt non-stop with her in the same way!
31. Put your shoes on your hands and walk around telling everyone, "its show your socks off day!"
32. Try to start the wave everywhere you go.
33. Walk up to the desk in the lobby and ask for a tooth brush. Repeat every 5 minutes.
34. Ask several guests if they have seen your pet mosquitoes.
35. Sing along to elevator music or any other music playing, even if you don't know the words.
36. Re-arrange the furniture in the lobby.
37. Tell people coming off the elevator to "Watch out because the sky is falling." Point up and run away screaming.
38. In the parking lot scream every time someone takes a step, "You're killing them!"
39. Paint the walls in your room with bright colors.
40. Call room service in the middle of the night and request 3 dozen pillows.
41. In the work-out room turn all the TVs to different channels, then turn up the volume all the way.
42. Use the mirrors through out the hotel to do your male-up and fix your hair.
43. Get a pack of sticky notes and stick them all over the walls, ceiling, floor, lights, windows, etc.
44. Do #41 to the lobby TVs.
45. Go to the gift shop and pick up every single item, take off the price tag, and then ask the clerk how much it is.
46. Knock on various doors, screaming, "OPEN UP! OPEN UP! I GOTTA GO PEE!"
47. Put a sign on the front door of the hotel that says, "Caution. Nuclear weapon test target."
48. Walk around the hotel with a digital camera, taking pictures of absolutely everything.
49. Crawl around, pretending to be lost in the desert. Grab onto people legs and beg them for water.
50. Jump in front of a line of people at the front desk. Ask about 20 questions while speaking as slowly and drawn out as possible.
51. Water all the fake potted plants through-out the hotel.
52. Call every room in the hotel saying, "Your room service order will be delivered shortly. Your total is $249.39. How would you like to pay for that?"
53. Reenact sceens from your favorite movies by the pool.
54. Pour cups of yellow died water all over the sinks in the bathroom.
55. Lie down in the middle of the hallway in front of the elevator, so that everyone has to step over you. Refuse to move.
56. Run around sobbing, "Why are all these people in my house?!? All I wanted was a little peace!"
57. Request a 3:00 am wake-up call for someone elses room.
58. Play your electric guitar all night, and then when the managers come to complain, pretend youre not there.
59. Better yet, Invite your whole band over and practice in the hallway.
60. Set up a lemonade stand in the hallway or lobby.
61. Set wild animals loose in the lobby.
62. Order 10+ bars of soap, towels, bottles of shampoo, etc. and when they arrive at your room, claim they're not yours.
63. Stand by the ice machine and fill up/dump out your bucket over and over when there are people behind you waiting.
64. Stay in the elevator all day. Bring a sleeping bag and some snacks. Invite your friends to join you!
65. As you are riding the elevator ask, "So which floor do you live on?"
66. Tie a towel around your neck and run around the hotel yelling, "WOOSH!" and trying to get people to join your superhero 'gang.'
67. Follow the cleaning service to find the secret stash of sweets they leave in your room.. Then eat them all.
68. Call a random room and ask when they want their tampons delivered. It's funnier if they are a boy.
69. Go to the lobby and 'direct' people to their rooms. Ex: tell them that room 117 is on floor 3.
70. In the restaurant, pull out a few pieces of hair and stick them in your food. Complain that you want your meal for free.
71. In the bathroom yell "FIRE!" and dump a bucket of water over the door of a stall, soaking the person within.
72. Cut out letters from brochures in the lobby and create ransom notes with them. Slip the notes under your neighbor's door.
73. Practice soccer/football in the lobby.
74. Streak through the restaurant.
75. Follow the maids around, pretending to be their 'helper.'
76. Vacuum the hallways at midnight.
77. Walk around talking like a pirate to every kid you see. It'll freak-out the parents.
78. Unscrew all the light bulbs in all the lamps in the lobby.
79. Stuff all the free cookies on the counter into your pockets, and then walk away 'sneakily'.
80. Grin broadly and wave at your reflection in the elevator walls. Then turn and do the same to each person in the elevator.
81. Lean in really close to everyone and whisper, "Do I need a mint?"
82. Attempt to play red-light green-light with people leaving the building.
83. If there's continental breakfast, fill up all the toasters, microwaves, and waffle makers with food and walk away. Do this continually so that they are always filled. (Leave food on counter.) No one else will be able to use them Haha.
84. Switch around the labels on the drink machine.
85. On the public computers in the lobby, put out of order signs on all of the computers but one. (un-plug them also) Sit at the one computer for hours and hours so that no one else can use it.
86. Go into the kitchen and insist the cooks let you create a new entre item. When they refuse grin evilly and shout, "I will be back!"
87. If someone falls asleep by the pool, draw design on their back or faces with sun screen so that they will have picture there when the sun tans them.
88. Put a padlock on the pool gate so that no one can get in or out.
89. Ask the guy at the door that helps you with your luggage to help you carry your groceries in.
90. Put a speaker inside a Teddy bear and place it in a chair in the lobby. Hide behind a vinyl plant with the microphone. When ever a guy walks by say, "Where ya going fatso?"
91. Walk into the kitchen with a bowl and say, "Please sir, may I have some oar?"
92. Walk around begging people for money.
93. Sing, "The hills are alive with the sound of music" loudly in different music styles. (ex: rap, country, opera) while strolling the halls.
94. Create buildings out of the books on display in the lobby. Scream, "Geronimo!" And knock it over. Then walk up to the counter and say, "clean up on aisle 3."
95. Steal all the luggage carts, keeping them in your room so that no one else can use them.
96. Hand out garlic necklaces to people in the elevator saying, "There are vampires everywhere!"
97. Stand really, really close to people in the elevator. Then sneeze on them.
98. Walk up to the front desk and when someone asks if you need help, scream, "Why wont they leave me alone?!?"
99. Stand out side someone's door and knock. Ask, "May I come in?" Even If they say no, run in and look in the mirror. Say, "Hey! Shes/hes in here too!"
100. Lay in the hallway with a sign that says, will move for food.
101. When you get kicked out of the hotel, Go back in a few minutes later and try to re-register in a different name. If they dont let you, refuse to leave. Then Repeat numbers 1 through 100!